
Showing 10–18 of 37 results

  • A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus' baptism

    Jesus’ baptism


    Jesus’ baptism


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus is baptised by John in the Jordan.

    Note: Text can be changed to any translation.

    John baptising people.
    Jesus asks to be baptised.
    Jesus is baptised
    Jesus comes up out of the water.
    The Holy Spirit descends like a dove.
    God speaks – “This is my Son.”

    (6 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • Jesus is tempted by the devil

    Jesus is tempted


    Jesus is tempted


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus is tempted in the desert by the devil.

    Jesus goes into the desert for 40 days.
    He is tempted by the devil.
    • ‘Turn these stones to bread.’
    ‘Man shall not live by bread alone’.
    ‘Throw yourself down’.
    ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test’.
    The kingdoms of the world.
    ‘Worship the Lord your God.

    (8 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • The friends carry the man up to the roof

    Man through the roof


    Man through the roof


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus heals the paralysed man who comes through the roof.

    People come to hear Jesus.
    The four friends.
    Carrying the man up to the roof.
    The man comes down to Jesus.
    “Your sins are forgiven.”
    “Pharisees and teachers of the Law.”
    “Get up, pick up your mat and walk.”
    Praising God.

    (9 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

    Plus free folding card instructions!

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  • A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus calls Levi (Matthew)

    Calling Levi (Matthew)


    Calling Levi (Matthew)


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) the tax collector, and is criticised for eating with sinners.

    • Levi (Matthew) the tax collector
    • Tax collectors worked for the enemy Romans

    • Jesus says, “Follow me”
    • Levi follows Jesus
    • Levi invites Jesus to a meal with his friends
    • Pharisees & teachers of the law complain
    • It is not the healthy who need a doctor…
    • …but those who are ill.
    • I have not come to call the righteous…
    • …but sinners…
    • …to repentance

    (13 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • The Twelve

    Choosing the 12


    Choosing the 12


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus chooses twelve of his disciples to be ‘apostles’, and sends them out to preach and heal.

    Jesus prays all night.
    Choosing the 12
    The 12 apostles
    Simon Peter & Andrew
    James & John
    Philip, Bartholomew
    Matthew, Thomas
    Simon the Zealot, Thaddaeus, James
    Judas Iscariot
    Staff, bread, purse, money, sandals, tunic
    Sent out
    Shaking the dust from their feet
    Ill and disabled people

    (15 slides)

    Includes free printable pictures of the individual disciples.

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • A Bible story PowerPoint presentation about Jesus anointed by a sinful woman.

    Anointed by a sinful woman


    Anointed by a sinful woman


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman at Simon the Pharisee’s house.

    •  Reclining at the table
    •  Tears
    •  Drying his feet with her hair
    •  Perfume
    •  Simon is annoyed
    •  Jesus speaks to Simon
    •  Parable of two debtors
    •  Debts forgiven
    •  Who will love more?
    •  Jesus commends the woman
    •  Her many sins have been forgiven – as her great love has shown

    (11 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: The centurion's servant

    The centurion’s servant


    The centurion’s servant


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus healing the centurion’s servant

    Note: this is a .pptx file. If you have an old version of PowerPoint (2003 or earlier) leave me a note in your order and I’ll email you a .ppt file.

    • Servant is ill & paralysed
    • Sends Jewish elders to Jesus
    • The centurion built the synagogue
    • Sends friends to ask Jesus not to come
    • “Just say the word…”
    • I am a man under authority, with soldiers under me
    • I tell this one, “Go,” and he goes
    • …and that one, “Come,” and he comes.
    • I say to my servant, “Do this,” and he does it.
    • Great faith!
    • Many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
    • Let it be done
    • Servant healed

    (13 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • Peter’s mother-in-law / Jesus heals many


    Peter’s mother-in-law / Jesus heals many


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law, and heals many others.

    •  Capernaum synagogue
    •  Jesus teaching
    •  Arriving at Peter’s house
    •  Peter’s mother-in-law (she is so pink because she has a fever!)
    •  Mother-in-law serves them
    •  Jesus heals many
    •  Jesus prays in a lonely place
    •  Everyone is looking for him
    •  But he must go to all the other villages too

    (9 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • Quiet! Be still!

    Calming the storm


    Calming the storm


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jesus calming the storm

    •  Jesus & his disciples in the boat.
    •  Storm!
    •  “Don't you care if we drown?”
    •  “Quiet! Be still!”
    •  Flat calm.
    •  “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him.”

    (6 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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