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  • Moses gets water for the sheep

    Moses – escape to Midian


    Moses – escape to Midian


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Moses escapes to Midian and meets Jethro’s daughters

    •  An Egyptian beating a Hebrew
    •  Moses kills the Egyptian
    •  Moses tries to break up a fight between two Hebrews
    •  Moses flees to Midian
    •  Moses sits by a well. Some girls come to get water for their sheep.
    •  Shepherds chase the girls away.
    •  Moses gets water for the sheep.
    •  Jethro invites Moses to eat with them.
    •  Moses marries Zipporah. They have a son. (Note: I’m assuming some time passed before this happened, as Moses lived in Midian for 40 years, by the end of which his children still seem to be young)

    (Btw, ‘historically accurate’ might be a bit of an exaggeration when referring to Jethro’s daughters. ‘Historically-inspired-pictures-of-people-I-have-no-idea-what-they-looked-like-except-that-Moses’-wife-is-described-later-as-Cushite’ is more like it! The pottery is Midianite, though.)

    (9 slides)

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