Old Testament

Showing all 3 results

  • Old Testament bundle - All the currently available Bible story PowerPoints for kids - 40% off

    Old Testament – BUNDLE


    Old Testament – BUNDLE


    Save over £100!

    This bundle includes all of the currently available Old Testament PowerPoint presentations (57). Your final saving will be around 40%.

    Those who have purchased at the current price will still be able to get a 40% discount on any future purchases they make.

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  • Jacob & Esau


    Jacob & Esau


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jacob and Esau.

    Rebekah is pregnant.
    The twins are born.
    Jacob & Esau
    Esau sells his birthright.
    Rebekah overhears Isaac and Esau talking.
    Jacob disguised as Esau.
    Isaac gives Jacob the blessing.
    Esau brings the food.
    Esau wants to kill Jacob.

    (9 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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  • Bible PowerPoint for children Jacob goes home

    Jacob goes home


    Jacob goes home


    A Bible story PowerPoint presentation: Jacob goes home, wrestles the angel, and meets Esau.

    PLUS free printable of the animals without numbers, so you can cut them up and write the numbers on the back.

    Jacob leaves
    Esau comes with 400 men
    Jacob prays
    Jacob’s gift to Esau
    Jacob bows to Esau

    (7 slides)

    Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.

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