Apostles’ creed


A PowerPoint presentation: Apostles’ Creed.

You can change the text to any translation or language!

You probably won’t want to use all the pictures – choose what you like best, and combine the text accordingly.

(22 slides)

Price includes a free upgrade if/when a new version becomes available.


• I believe in God the Father
• Almighty,
• Maker of heaven and earth:

• And in Jesus Christ his only Son
• our Lord,
• Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
• Born of the Virgin Mary,
• Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
• Was crucified,
• dead, and buried:
• He descended into hell;
• The third day he rose again from the dead;
• He ascended into heaven,
• And sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
• From thence he shall come
• to judge the quick and the dead. (multiple options for different cultures)

• I believe in the Holy Ghost;

• The holy Catholic Church;
• The Communion of Saints; (two options)
• The Forgiveness of sins;
• The Resurrection of the body,
• And the life everlasting. Amen.